Child Welfare and Protection in Sport Training Course


A must for anyone working with children!!! All Coaches, Club Children’s Officers and Designated Liaison Persons must first complete the three hour Child Welfare & Protection Course.

This course educates participants on the implementation of best practice in protecting the welfare of children involved in sport.

The cost of the course is €15 per participant and booking is essential.

To book a place on this course please email for a registration form or call 0429324318.

Emerald Skate Tests

An Emerald Skate test session will be held on Sunday, 4 November at Dundrum On ice.

Please e-mail for an application form.

Applicants should note that dates for test sessions are subject to change and may be withdrawn if there is insufficient demand.

Emerald Skate Instructors Workshop

Ahead of this season’s learn to skate courses, an Emerald Skate instructors workshop will be held at Dundrum On Ice on Sunday, 4 November.