Budapest Trophy

The Budapest Trophy is a figure skating competition and will be held in Budapest, Hungary.

Nebelhorn Trophy

The Nebelhorn Trophy 2021 (Oberstdorf, Germany) is part of the ISU Challenger Series and the final qualification event for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

Skate Malmö

Skate Malmö is a figure skating inter club competition sanctioned by the Swedish Figure Skating
Association which will be held 12-14 November 2021 in Malmö, Sweden. The competition announcement and other forms can be downloaded below. The deadlines for entries is 27 September 2021.

Competition Announcement

Planned Programme Content

Payment Form

Meals Form

ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating (Linz, Austria)

This event is the final stage of the 2021/2022 ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating.

ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating (Kosice, Slovakia)

This event is the third stage of the 2021/2022 ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating.

IceLab International Cup 2021

The IceLab International Cup 2021 is an international interclub figure skating competition which will be held in Bergamo, Italy from 29-31 May 2021. Entry is open to Ice Skating Association of Ireland members fulfilling the competition announcement criteria. The deadline for entries is 6 May 2021. Further information can be found in the competition announcement.

Santa Claus Cup

The Santa Claus Cup is an international figure skating competition organised by the Hungarian Skating Federation in Budapest, Hungary.

Annual General Meeting

In light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and ensuring the health and safety of our members, this year’s Ice Skating Association of Ireland (ISAI) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place online on 2 December 2020 at 19:00 (Irish time).

ISAI members will receive notice of the AGM via e-mail.

Budapest Trophy

The Budapest Trophy is part of the ISU Challenger Series in Figure Skating 2020/21 and will be held in Budapest, Hungary.

Dragon Trophy

The Dragon Trophy is an international figure skating competition that is held in Ljubljana, Slovenia.